New Royal Enfield Classic 350 Long Term Review: Conclusion


Goodbyes can be utterly difficult. Especially when it’s for someone or something you spend quality time with but have to part ways long before you’d expected or wanted to. And once they are gone, all you’re left with are memories to cherish deeply for years and a strong yearning to get back with them again, someday. Pardon me for being too dramatic and philosophical but these were the thoughts occupying my head when I recently handed back the keys and bid farewell to the Royal Enfield Classic 350, my long-termer since September 2021.

This juggernaut had been my persistent companion not just for office-home commutes, but also for a couple of long rides, and Mumbai-Pune runs umpteen times. All these experiences have been jotted down in detail at regular intervals. But now that the Classic is gone, let me sum up the things I admired about it and some I thought could have been better. Call it a farewell letter, if you will.

Things I liked
Royal Enfield Classic 350 action
The engine of the new Classic 350 is undoubtedly its biggest highlight, mainly for its refinement and tractability. The motorcycle has come a long way from buzzing aggressively at higher speeds to emanating almost no vibes, even beyond 100kmph. That said, it’s the most enjoyable at slow speeds. Trudging along in the city at about 40kmph in fifth gear, accompanied by its thumping sound, is a relaxed and soothing affair. And when you gas it from there, the pull is clean and free of any shudder. The easily workable gearbox only adds to its city rideability.


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